Educación Plus is financed through donations, allocating 10% for the administrative operation. Donations are deductible from income tax.
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Promerica Bank Account in Colones
Account number: 3-000-208418 Cliente account: 11600103002084184 IBAN Colones: CR28011600103002084184
Promerica Bank Account in US Dollars
Account number: 2-000-208418 Cliente account: 11600102002084187 IBAN dollars: CR89011600102002084187
Our accounts are under the name of Asociación Educación Plus de Costa Rica. Legal ID(Cédula Jurídica) 3-002-327992. Our legal address: San José, San Francisco de Dos Ríos. Los Sauces neighborhood, 31st street, house 71. Telephone 2227 8642.
Sinpe Mobile
+506 8848 6314